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Mustafa Santiago Ali's Presentation on Climate Justice

Yesterday morning I spent time watching this presentation, and came out of it a little more optimistic about humanity's future. He stresses the importance of intergenerational efforts, community, and openness to old and new ideas. In his presentation he briefly touches on the many challenges faced by several underrepresented groups, and illustrates the cascading effect of multiple crises on people who simply can not, and should not, carry the burden alone.

"Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's needs, not not every man's greed." —Mahatma Gandhi

From the Radcliffe site: "Mustafa Santiago Ali discusses opportunities to address environmental justice and the climate crisis as part of the Kim and Judy Davis Dean’s Lecture Series and Harvard Radcliffe Institute’s focus area on climate change."

After his presentation he sat with Stephanie LeMenager for a Q&A session.

His presentation starts at 7:54 into the video if you are pressed for time.

Harvard Radcliffe Institute offers many of their presentations free to the public, and anyone can sign up to receive their newsletter of upcoming and past presentations.

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